Friday 14 March 2025
English Διεθνή Ιωάννης Νεονάκης

New Romanía: The Great Vision and the Favorable Contemporary Geostrategic Framework

By Ioannis Neonakis 

I have extensively discussed the great vision of the Renaissance of our Genos (sic), centered on Romeosyne and the reunification of the Romeiko world, forming the “New Romanía” in the shape of either a confederation or, even better, a federation of states. Given the tectonic shifts brought about by Trump’s election in the United States, I believe that the geostrategic landscape has become exceptionally favorable to the realization of this vision and the aspirations of our Genos. In this text, after briefly outlining the contemporary geostrategic framework, we will concisely articulate the vision and the favorable context for its implementation.

Introductory Note

It must be clarified from the outset that historical Romanía, at least during its first millennium, perceived itself as the sole, unified, indivisible, ecumenical, and structured Christian polity on earth. Its axis, purpose, reason for existence, and ultimate objective was the “incarnation of the Logos,” the experience of the Kingdom of God—not in an abstract, vague, hoped-for, metaphysical dimension, but tangibly and in everyday life. Likewise, the Romeos, the citizen of the empire, was primarily defined by his Orthodox identity, beyond any linguistic, ethnic, or cultural distinctions.

Correspondingly, the “New Romanía” expresses its vision and aspiration, in the long term, not only for ecclesiastical but also for political unification of the entire Orthodox World, of the entire People of God. Humanity is rapidly entering a new era of even greater spiritual darkness, of unprecedented extent, characterized by multiple forms of violence and a multi-layered, absolute lack of freedom. The only one who not only can resist but also bring about change is the People of God.

For this reason, the struggle and vision of the “New Romanía” is the unification of all Orthodox Christians, within the historical journey of the People of God toward the Eschaton. Thus, the call for unity should be understood and directed not only toward the Orthodox cultural sphere of our Eastern tradition but also toward the Russian world and, more broadly, toward all Orthodox Christians across the ecumene.

The following text merely outlines the geostrategic condition of the world today, and the tactical proposals presented are tailored to the current circumstances, without ever abandoning the long-term vision of the unification of the entire Orthodox world. A unification which, over time, will become not only desirable but also necessary.

A Brief Overview of the Contemporary Geostrategic Landscape

  1. The War in Ukraine and the Hyper-Consolidation of Eurasian Powers

The war in Ukraine has led to an unprecedented consolidation of Eurasian powers, which, if left unchecked and without external interventions, will create an exceptionally powerful force. The advantages of one component complement the weaknesses of another (e.g., military capabilities, natural resources, etc.). At the core of this alliance lie China, Russia, and India, with Iran and North Korea as primary satellite states. If this bloc remains intact, especially if, over time, it introduces a common currency, leading to global “de-dollarization”, it would pose an existential threat to the United States, which has so far managed its deficits and its enormous national debt through the continuous issuance of the U.S. dollar, the world’s reserve currency.


  1. Trump’s Policy and the Restructuring of the Euro-Atlantic Pole

According to contemporary analysts such as Konstantinos Grivas, despite the prevailing narratives to the contrary, U.S. foreign policy (particularly in matters of secondary priority) is often fragmented and reacts to developments, typically siding with the strongest party in each case to ensure a swift resolution of issues. This policy is rooted in pragmatism, economic interests, and a realistic approach to emerging challenges. However, as a nation, the United States lacks a visionary, metaphysical dimension and a higher goal in its strategic outlook.

A segment of the U.S. establishment (with Trump’s policy as its representative), recognizing the hyper-consolidation of Eurasian powers, which is leading to a directly competitive global pole, is shifting away from unrestrained globalization (which strengthens the Eurasian bloc and increases interdependencies) towards:

(a) Fortification and reinforcement of the Euro-Atlantic pole.
(b) Engagement with Eurasian bloc states to weaken its strength.


  1. Trump’s Strategic Moves

Within the framework of the U.S. dominance over the Euro-Atlantic pole and its complete hegemony, the following initiatives are unfolding:

(A) Trump’s Statements and Actions Regarding Greenland, Canada, the Panama Canal, etc.

First and foremost, it should be emphasized that Trump is backed by a highly capable technocratic team and that he fully means everything he says. His moves and statements in relation to Greenland, Canada, the Panama Canal, and other strategic locations aim to establish a powerful imperial center, with vast maritime access and extensive reach into the Arctic Circle, which is expected to play a pivotal role in global affairs in the coming decades.

In the cases of Canada and Greenland, he will, one way or another, provoke a de facto union, primarily through economic pressure. For him, a de jure union is not of primary importance.

 (B) His Interference in the Internal Affairs of European States.

Trump, under time constraints yet demonstrating decisiveness, is openly attacking opposing forces in Europe, even when they are currently in power. At the same time, he is loudly supporting his political allies within European nations—forces that are patriotically inclined and opposed to the woke agenda.

Moreover, he never forgets those who opposed him in the past. Alongside this political offensive, he is fostering grassroots acceptance, as many middle-class individuals and system outcasts are beginning to listen attentively to his message.

 (C) The Imperial Core (USA, Canada, Greenland)

Trump’s objective is to ensure the absolute fortification and reinforcement of this imperial core at all costs. His strategy focuses on:

  • Demographic integrity
  • Autonomy and self-sufficiency
  • Social, political, and economic advancement

This explains his policies on tariffs, immigration restrictions, and the emphasis on traditional gender roles.


 (D) The Economic Weakening of the Imperial Periphery (Europe, Latin America, etc.)

One of Trump’s key geostrategic objectives is the economic weakening of the imperial periphery (Europe, Latin America, etc.), ensuring its greater dependence on the imperial core and its control by U.S.-friendly local political forces. Simultaneously, there is a strengthening of the surveillance and defensive mechanisms, a reinforcement that naturally also finances the U.S. defense industry (e.g., increasing NATO contributions, arms deals, etc.).

A notable example of handling the periphery is the rapid neutralization of Colombia within just a few hours, demonstrating the effectiveness of this strategy. Moreover, the control of European states by pro-Trump political forces, under the pretext of protecting each nation’s interests, is expected to lead to a loosening or even disintegration of the European Union.

Additionally, it is worth noting that Trump’s deliberate public display of alliances with major private social media corporations serves multiple strategic purposes:

  • Demonstrating technological superiority and psychological deterrence against potential resistance.
  • Gaining access to vast intelligence resources and enabling potential global-scale citizen monitoring and control.

(E) The De Facto Abolition of International Law and Border Stability

Following Trump’s statements and actions, the concept of international law and the stability of borders is practically abolished, with the law of the strongest prevailing. This shift will inevitably lead to:

  • Heightened competition between global power poles
  • Escalating rivalries among various nations


4. Turkey as an Over-Ambitious and Emerging Global Power

On the geostrategic chessboard, Turkey is maneuvering autonomously, maintaining a delicate balance for now. It is over-ambitious, having explicitly declared its goal of becoming the world’s fifth-largest power by 2050, and, by the 1000th anniversary of the Battle of Manzikert in 2071, its aspiration to be the third global superpower.

Unfortunately, its trajectory suggests that, unless countered, Turkey has the potential to emerge as a planetary power in the long run.

Turkey’s Strategic Objectives

(a) Consolidation and unification of Turkic nations.
(b) Leadership of the Sunni Islamic world and global Sunni representation.

  • This ambition includes the long-held desire to control Islam’s holy cities.

(c) Revival of the Ottoman framework of dominance.


Like Every Imperial Power, Turkey Primarily Aims for Long-Term Goals

(A) The Multiple Homogenization and Strengthening of Its Imperial Core

Turkey seeks to strengthen and homogenize its imperial core in multiple ways—economically, culturally, politically, and socially. This could also involve territorial annexations (e.g., Aegean islands, Thrace, Macedonia, northern Syria) or unifications with Turkic states through various forms of integration.

(B) The Creation of Weak, Dependent, or Controlled States in Its Imperial Periphery

In its imperial periphery (Middle East, North Africa, Balkans, etc.), Turkey aims to weaken states, ensuring they remain dependent or fully controlled by Ankara. It has already achieved this in Syria and Libya and nearly did so in Egypt before the rise of the al-Sisi regime.

The biggest obstacle to Turkey’s completion of this objective is the organized Greece-Cyprus system, against which it has waged hybrid warfare for decades. The creation of a weak periphery surrounding the imperial core is a sine qua non condition for the survival of the center, as it provides a buffer zone against competing powers.

Following its victory in Syria, Turkey’s next priority is Greece and Cyprus, where it continues to conduct a long-term hybrid war with remarkable success.

Turkey’s Hybrid Warfare Strategy Against Greece and Cyprus

Turkey’s hybrid war includes:

  • Economic infiltration
  • Cultural penetration
  • Mass migration as a tool of influence
  • Rigid and often irrational interpretations of international law
  • Escalating territorial and political claims
  • Continuous military violations and provocations
  • Psychological warfare operations
  • Relentless projection of military power
  • Greek strategic inertia due to Turkey’s persistent war threats (casus belli)
  • Defamation and systematic targeting of genuine patriotic forces within Greece
  • Influencing Greek public opinion through local political, academic, and media elites, possibly using operatives
  • And many other tactics

Disadvantages of Turkey’s Path to Becoming a Global Power

Despite its ambitions, Turkey faces two major obstacles in its quest for global dominance:

(A) The Kurdish Question

The formation of a unified Kurdish state, incorporating all four existing Kurdish regions, would create a 30-40 million-strong independent Kurdish entity. Beyond the territorial disintegration of Turkey, this would also trigger internal instability within the remaining Turkish territories.

A free and independent Kurdistan is a strategic goal of Israel, as it would:

  • Serve as a buffer zone between Israel, Iran, and Turkey
  • Become a strong, stable, and permanently loyal ally of Israel

(B) The Reluctance of Other Global Powers to Accept Turkey’s Rise

None of the existing global power poles are willing to allow Turkey to emerge as a planetary force:

  • The United States opposes it primarily due to Israel.
  • China rejects it mainly due to the Uyghur issue.
  • Russia has long-standing geopolitical conflicts with Turkey.
  • India opposes Turkish ambitions due to its ties with Pakistan.

Thus, Turkey’s aspiration to become a global power faces strong resistance from all major international players.

5. Israel as a Hegemonic Power

Israel possesses numerous strategic advantages, including:

  • A long-term and highly effective strategic vision
  • Extremely powerful armed forces
  • Cutting-edge technological innovations
  • National cohesion, determination, and high morale
  • A nuclear arsenal
  • A solid alliance with the United States

However, its greatest strength lies in its powerful vision of Greater Israel and the metaphysical dimensions embedded in its national strategy. This deep-rooted ideological framework ensures that, in the long run, Israel will emerge as a dominant power of global significance.

The moves taken over the past two years are particularly revealing of this trajectory:

  • Course towards the full-scale integration of the West Bank (renamed Judea and Samaria)
  • Complete control over the Golan Heights
  • The close relations of Druze community with Israel
  • The military operation in Gaza
  • Trump’s statements regarding the relocation of Palestinians and the assertion that biblical lands belong to Israel

Additionally, the implementation of major projects such as:

  • The IMEC (India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor)
  • The Eurasia Interconnector
  • The Ben Gurion Canal

These developments will significantly boost Israel’s economic and strategic standing, while also improving its relations with key regional players such as Saudi Arabia.

The strengthening of Israel’s ties with Greece and Cyprus also provides multiple strategic benefits.

Potential Threats to Israel

Aside from its long-standing rival Iran, Israel faces an immediate geopolitical challenge from Turkey. Looking ahead, any destabilization of Egypt—especially if orchestrated indirectly by Turkey—could create additional security concerns for Israel.

6. Greece on the Geostrategic Chessboard

Current Conditions

We have already discussed Greece in relation to Turkey, concluding that Turkey’s top strategic priority in the near future is to deliver a decisive blow to the Greece-Cyprus system.

This imminent threat is a critical issue that should command Greece’s full attention and strategic response.


The Long-Term Risks for Greece

Given Greece’s well-documented structural weaknesses, including:

  • Demographic decline
  • Uncontrolled illegal immigration
  • Economic hardship
  • Low morale and lack of national confidence
  • Turkey’s hybrid warfare operations (as analyzed above)
  • Absence of a national vision
  • Pervasive pessimism and societal fragmentation
  • Internal instability due to a two-century-long identity crisis
  • Deficiencies in military preparedness

…and considering the growing power disparity between Greece and Turkey, in the best-case scenario, Greece is likely to undergo Finlandization in the long run.

In a worse-case scenario, it is highly probable that large portions of its territory will be stripped away.

The Vision

Greece is a civilizational and historical entity of global significance.

As Romeosyne, Greece is additionally a geostrategic power of universal dimensions.

However, as a mere nation-state, Greece will, over time, regress into a small, weakened state, potentially confined to Athens and the Peloponnese (Proper Graecia). Such a state would have a diverse and fragmented population, be militarily weak, and remain fully dependent on external forces—ultimately becoming a pawn of either the emerging global feudalism or the Neo-Ottoman center.

On the other hand, Greece as Romeosyne has the potential, in the long term, to evolve into “New Romanía” (note: the stress of the word is on “i”) —a federation or confederation of states that are successors to historical Romanía, while also maintaining ties with the millions of Romeoi outside its future borders and across the diaspora.

Such an entity would be:

  • A powerful regional force
  • A structure with global prospects
  • A project that, despite its scale, can be initiated and eventually realized

The reunification of the Romeiko world—meaning the states that directly emerged from the fragmentation of historical Romanía while maintaining an Orthodox identity (Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Skopje, Albania, Georgia, Bulgaria, etc.)—is a grand and long-term vision.

This unification could eventually take the form of a:

  • Confederation
  • Federation of states
  • Or even full integration into a single entity

The role of this political formation would be:

  • To offer an alternative model of state and social organization
  • To serve as a bastion for the protection of human dignity and freedom
  • To stand against the looming global darkness


The Favorable Geopolitical Perspective for New Romanía

I firmly believe that the global powers, particularly the United States, will, for many reasons, view favorably the long-term formation of “New Romanía”.

There are multiple factors supporting this perspective, but here, we will focus on one critical element:

The natural wealth that is expected to be extracted from Greek territory in the coming decades—primarily by the two largest oil companies in the world, both of which are American-owned—is of such immense magnitude that securing its stable and uninterrupted exploitation requires, by necessity, the presence of a politically, economically, and militarily powerful state entity.

Such an entity must be large and resilient enough to withstand pressures and claims from strong third-party actors (such as Turkey).

If Turkey were to control the Aegean, the Eastern Mediterranean, and—most critically—the hydrocarbon reserves, it would de facto become a global power.

This is an outcome neither the United States nor Israel desires.

The Disintegration of the European Union and the Geopolitical Realignment of Europe

Due to the aggressive geopolitical policies of the United States, we are currently witnessing a gradual loosening or even fragmentation of the European Union.

However, for security reasons, Europe will remain under NATO’s defensive protection.

Nevertheless, politically strong centrifugal forces are bound to emerge within the continent.

A possible reaction to this fragmentation would be an attempt to achieve greater cohesion within the German cultural sphere (Germany-France axis, the Netherlands, etc.) in contrast to the cultural frameworks of the South (Spain but also Italy).

Against this backdrop, the reconstruction of a broad Orthodox cultural space in the Balkans, one that—as the U.S. desires—acts geopolitically in competition with the Russian world, will serve multiple strategic functions:

  • It will contribute to the fragmentation of Europe, making it easier for the U.S. to manage.
  • It will reinforce a counterweight to the dominant Western European spheres of influence.
  • It will provide the geopolitical architecture for a long-term strategic presence of the U.S. in Southeastern Europe, without their direct military involvement, based on the Nixon Doctrine.

Greece’s Need for a Grand Vision

Greece must swiftly adopt a bold vision—one that extends beyond its borders and directly resonates with external populations.

Such a civilizational-scale vision is:

  • The Resurrection of the Genos with Romeosyne as its core, and
  • A political connection with populations from the Middle East, Asia Minor, and the Balkans.

This is the only viable strategy that can grant Greece strategic sustainability amid the ongoing global restructuring.

On the contrary, a narrow focus on Hellenism alone, even with strong alliances, will inevitably lead to decline.

Without such a grand vision,

  • There will be no strategic momentum.
  • There will be no metaphysical dimension to unify and inspire.
  • There will be no demographic and geopolitical scale large enough to sustain autonomy.

Thus, the revitalization of Romeosyne and the establishment of New Romanía emerges as a historically necessary path for Greece’s long-term survival and influence.


Alliances as a Nation

Until the vision of New Romanía is realized, a process that will require time and effort mainly by us, Greece must rely on international alliances to protect itself against the eastern threat.

We find ourselves in a favorable geopolitical moment, where global powers (USA, China, India, Israel, etc.) are generally inclined to support Greece. These powers require a reliable ally in the region who, with their backing, can halt Turkey’s advance toward global power status.

However, this role is not automatic—it requires a clear decision from the Greek side to step up and assume this strategic position. Otherwise, the global powers will seek alternative solutions.

Israel, in particular, has already signaled to Greece that it must rise to the occasion and meet these geopolitical expectations.

Thus, it is recommended that Greece:

  • Forge close alliances with these powers
  • Leverage these alliances to enhance its own autonomy and self-sufficiency
    • Developing a domestic defense industry
    • Strengthening primary production and strategic infrastructure

In addition to these global alliances, Greece should also seek:

  • Military alliances that explicitly include mutual defense clauses in case of attack (implicitly targeting Turkey)
  • Regional strategic partnerships with states such as Bulgaria
  • Closer ties with nations that compete with Turkey (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc.)
  • A structured relationship with Kurdish factions, which can serve as a counterbalance to Turkish expansionism

The Need for a Political Movement

To achieve such an ambitious vision, a political force or movement must assume the great responsibility of leading the charge.

This movement must:

  • Make the Resurrection of the Genos—centered on Romeosyne—its central mission
  • Engage in a historic struggle to unite all Greeks behind this vision
  • Mobilize not only the Greek population within the country but also the Romeoi beyond its borders

To accomplish this, it may be necessary to:

  • Establish affiliated political movements abroad
  • Utilize other channels of communication to spread and reinforce this political message

These are not easy tasks, as they require:

  • Reawakening a largely disillusioned and indifferent Greek population
  • Reconnecting with the Romeoi beyond borders

However, with the support of the Church and Divine Providence, and the certainty that this vision is deeply rooted in our historical tradition, this goal is both realistic and attainable.

Ultimately, there is no alternative—any other path will inevitably lead to our historical extinction.

Ioannis K. Neonakis

February 2025

The same article in Greek

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