Saturday 15 March 2025
Αναδημοσιεύσεις Μακεδονία

Τα Wikileaks αποκαλύπτουν για το Σκοπιανό

Ανταλλαγή δημοψηφίσματος (δηλαδή να δεχτούν τη συμφωνία χωρίς δημοψήφισμα) με αποδοχή να μην αλλάξουν διαβατήρια (δηλαδή να παραμείνουν αυτά που γράφουν προφανώς «Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας») από την Ελλάδα, διαβάζουμε στα απόρρητα έγγραφα που αποκαλύπτει το  Wikileaks


5. (C) Levitte expressed optimism that a new Greek
government would be “more solid” and allow greater
flexibility for progress in the Greek-Macedonian name
dispute. A/S Gordon agreed that either a more solid
Conservative government or a Socialist government would be a
stronger, more flexible partner in the negotiations. He
expressed hope that if the international community could
convince Macedonia to abandon the idea of a referendum and
get Greece to abandon the necessity of changing passports,
then progress could be made. On Croatia, Levitte observed
that the border issue with Slovenia is making progress. He
hoped that the upcoming September elections in Germany would
also allow the new German government to be more open to EU
enlargement to include the Balkan countries. Paris wants the
door to enlargement to remain open, even if the accession

process takes time.


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